SSSC 23 Things Digital – Thing 7: Finding Resources

I tried to open an account for myself on 1 st September 2017 however my organisation was not registered with Open Athens so I sent Open At...

Tuesday 22 August 2017

SSSC Open Badges 2

I have registered online for the Scottish Social Services Council's Open Badges website. This is a website which allows me to learn about aspects of working in care and work towards Open Badges which allow my achievements to be shared online with others. These badges contain information on how I obtained the badges and what evidence I provided toward earning the badges. 

I have learned through watching  videos on the SSSC website that the method by which I will evidence my badges will promote learning more about the subject rather than repeating the information given to me as it encourages reflection on learning. I have found in my university studies of an unrelated subject that this is an effective way of learning particularly for me as I was diagnosed with dyspraxia a number of years ago and as such have problems with short term memory.

Reflecting on my learning will help me to retain more information. Producing evidence for the badges will force me to think about the subject in more depth and will enable me to see which points I need to improve upon. Using blogs and social media will allow others who may be thinking about using the Open Badges to contact me and ask questions about how the Badge system works and may encourage others to start using the Open Badges. This will improve my own learning as helping others to understand a topic enhances my understanding of the topic as they may ask questions about the topic that I had not previously considered.

The Open Badge system is also a good way for me and my manager to keep track of my Personal Development Plan within Social Care. It allows me to work with my manager to work to improve both my working practices but also to make suggestions about improving practices within the company as a whole.

Videos mentioned:

"Open Badges from the SSSC" found at and "Advice on evidence for Open Badge applications" found at

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